Innovation, resilience and collaboration to support companies in managing the COVID-19 crisis
The Covid-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down and has put us in front of new challenges forcing us to revolutionize the way we have always done our business. The storm has not yet passed and its economic and social damage is clearly visible. This is why it becomes essential to develop new models and find new strategies to restart.
As emerged globally and on several fronts, we at ENISIE also believe that innovation, resilience and collaboration represent three fundamental assets to face the crisis and relaunch one’s professional activity and business, ensuring their survival in the near future.
It is for this reason that in recent months we have been committed to offering our time and our expertise to develop a whole series of services and functional tools for companies to deal with the emergency and its consequences.
In line with our mission (Enabling Network-based Innovation through Services and Institutional Engagement) which has always seen us at the forefront in supporting the competitiveness of the Sicily-Malta cross-border area, we have focused on the needs of these territories trying to identify, thanks to the data and testimonies in our possession, a pool of services capable of contributing to the relaunch of businesses and employment in the social and environmental fields.
Working in synergy and with a spirit of collaboration, the ENISIE partner team consisting of Impact Hub Siracusa (the Sicilian hub of social innovation), Tree (the innovative SME specialized in Innovation and Education services), Malta Enterprise – Life Sciences and Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector, has deployed its professionals by promoting concrete initiatives to support businesses in the two islands.
From EUvsVirus, the pan-European Matchathon that connects civil society, innovators, and investors from all over Europe, to the Impact Hub Caffè digitali with free online consultancy to support businesses; from the Tree challenge within the Milano Digital Week which collected the online hackathon challenge, to the administration of the COVID-19 Covid Wage Supplement or the recent Electricity Bill Refund Scheme for Businesses entrusted by the Government Maltese to Malta Enterprise, the ENISIE team has never stopped.
Today, 6 months after the emergence of the Covid-19 crisis, we are still actively engaged on our web and social channels and through the local press also in the dissemination of information and useful tools for companies with a social vocation and in raising awareness on Food and Digital issues. Health and sustainable tourism – always at the center of our attention.
We strongly believe that change begins with knowledge and that the pandemic also represents an opportunity to write a better future for our territories, a future marked by sustainability and social innovation.
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