The partners of ENISIE (Enabling Network-based Innovation through Services and Institutional Engagement), a project financed by the European Programme for Cross-border Cooperation Interreg V-A Italy-Malta, have suddenly interpreted the needs arising from the new economic, historical and social context, launching a free help desk for companies: the ENISIE post-Covid Help Desk.
Conceived and realised by Tree srl, Impact Hub Siracusa, Malta Council For the Voluntary Sector, Malta Enterprise and Malta Innovation Hub, after the experimental phase of the Workshop for Recovery which ended in March 2021, the Enisie Help Desk now offers solutions to accompany companies, startups and organisations in the delicate phase of restarting after Covid-19.
By registering on the official platform, companies will be able to take advantage of a series of free innovative services prototyped and developed by ENISIE partners during the project and dedicated to recovery strategies from COVID-19 issue. Innovative services will cover key areas such as marketing and communication, internationalisation, access to dedicated credit instruments (banks, facilities, calls for tenders), re-design of the business model.
Supported by ENISIE experts, participants will be able to access a free assessment, mentoring and support to redesign their business model and make it more flexible to the new market challenges, access to credit support, in order to enhance their real strengths, overcome critical and shortcomings and take the new opportunities offered by the post-pandemic context.